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Final Group Assignment

Due 7/31 ~4pm - 7pm

As our course nears the end, the final group project is the way to practice implementing the skills and ethical frameworks in the class. Your task as a group is to work together to complete the community empowerment web application based off of the rough draft from Week 9. The final project should be fully functional with no bugs and must have an intuitive interface for the user stories outlined in the project memo.

Groups will give a 10-15 minute presentation with another 5 minutes for questions and answers. Everyone must speak. Please see the requirements below for more details.

Between 7/29 and 7/31, each member must individually take this group evaluation:


Criteria Points
Empowerment of civil society 55
Technical originality 55
Final Presentation 50
User story/interface/experience 40
Individual Group Evaluation 30
Repository Documentation 20
Total 250


1. Empowerment of civil society

Who is the mapplication empowering and how? What ethical considerations did your group take in creating this application? For example, does it reflect design justice, data justice, etc.?

2. Technical Originality

Does the project have a unique identity beyond what was offered in the labs or already existing examples? Is the code easy to understand? Were you able to create your own functions that work specifically for your project?

3. User interface, user experience, design:

How well does your website consider the user stories and the user experience for community members? Does your website flow well from when a user first lands on it? Is the layout and design elements intuitive? Is it easy to use?

4. Final Presentation

Give a 10 to 15 minute presentation explaining the application, who it’s designed to empower, and how it is a unique contribution to the transforming civil society. All members are required to speak roughly equal amounts of time. You are free to use any presentation platforms, like Powerpoint, GoogleSlides, etc., but be sure to set aside some time to demo the project and/or take screenshots of it. Rehearse the presentation at least once or twice and time it. Presentations that go over the 15 minutes will lose 5 points per minute.

5. Individual Group Evaluation

This course is designed around the principles of collaboration. In order to get a sense of how the group dynamics were and to reflect your own contributions to the group, each member must evaluate themselves and their groupmates using this form:

6. Repository Documentation

Complete the for the project repository by including a table of contents, a screenshot of the mapplication in action and what features/interactivity exists. Provide a simple explanation of the file structure. The should read as one cohesive documentation. Refer to this article for guidance.

Your final should have the following parts:

  • Table of Contents

  • Objective (Assignment #1)

  • Who is being empowered (Assignment #2)

  • What technology was used (Assignment #4)

  • How it can be repurposed (Assignment #4)

  • Features and a screenshot(s) of the mapplication

  • Utilize the above article’s template or something similar

Presentation Guidelines

Overall, you should be pitching the project to the audience, not simply demoing your website!

  1. Introduce the project (1 minute)

  2. Who is the project for and why is it important? (2-3 mins)

  3. What does your website do, and how does it empower people? (2-3 mins)

  4. Demo of the website (or screenshots) (2-3 mins)

  5. How would you like your project to be used in the future or by the community members? (3 mins)
