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Lab Assignment #1 - Map and Portfolio

Due 7/3

Time to put your skills to the test and create a home page for the individual maps that you will be making this quarter. Describe some of your interests and include a map with some markers. This is your portfolio, so feel free toadd anything. If you made multiple HTML pages, please link them all to the index.html using the <a href=""></a> tag>.

Your portfolio must contain the following:

  • A <h1> tag for your title
  • Add at least 2-3 markers to the map with a common theme, for example organizations you’ve volunteered for or places you’ve traveled.
  • A <h2> or <h3> tag to create a title for your map.
  • A <p> tag for a paragraph describing yourself and your goals as a critical digital map maker.
  • Style CSS by changing the background color, font, or anything else.
  • Use an ordered list <ol> tag and an unordered list <ul> tag to list things.
  • Include an <img> tag with a photo of yourself or an avatar. Feel free to add other images too to give some flavor to your page, like food or desserts.
  • Use the <a> tag to add a link to 2 other web pages.
  • Commit your changes
  • Set up GitHub pages for your repo

Extra Credit: (any of these)

  • Add another link to your own completely different HTML page not index.html. (Be sure to link it to your index.html and describe what you are showing)
  • Add another use of Maplibre
  • Check out the Extra or Maplibre documentation and try something there.


Extra Resources



