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πŸ“Lab Assignment #2 - Functional events

Due 7/10

In this lab, we learned how JavaScript functions that can be used for automating tasks. Functions also form the basis of the JavaScript programming we will be doing. Your assignment this week is to create a map for your portfolio with relevant points and have buttons that interact with the map.

The requirements are:

  • Add at least 3 markers to the map using a JavaScript function (these markers can be same as lab assignment #2)
  • Use the <button> element to execute a JavaScript function to interact with your map
  • Add an Event Listener that executes the JavaScript function to interact with your map
  • Markers should have popups that describe what the point is.

Extra Credit

  • Use something else like images or text to move the map.
  • Style the buttons or markers
  • Try something new with the MapLibre API.
