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Let’s get VS Coding!

Go to and make sure you are logged in.

Create a new repository by clicking on the button next to your profile picture:

Click New repository:

Give it a name that indicates these will be the assignments for the class:


Repository names should be self explanatory, and they are unique to your account, so don’t worry about having the same name as someone else!

Here are some example repository names:

  • 24su-asiaam-191a-labs

  • 24su-191a-assignments

  • aa191-assignments

Keep the repository Public, which is in the spirit of sharing, collaboration, and allows anyone to see and improve the code:

Scroll down to Create Repository:

Click the Clipboard button:

In VS Code click on: Clone Git Repository

Paste (PC: Ctrl+V or Mac: Cmd+V) your copied link in the panel above:

Click on Clone from URL or press Enter :

Choose a folder to save your files locally to:

Click on Open this new repository:

Make sure Explorer is open in the Activity Bar by clicking on it:

The open Explorer should look like this with space to show the files:

Click the Folder icon to make a new folder:

Title it week1:

With the folder selected, click the New file icon and give it the title index.html:

Make sure index.html is within week1: