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Creating a new Google Form

Navigate to Google Forms and click on “Blank”:

Give a title to your Google Form by clicking on “Untitled Form”:

Add a little description about the survey form here. For our example we will be collecting stories about vaccinations during COVID-19.

Adding a Google Form Question

Click on the “Add Question” button to add a question:

Start typing “Location” and Google will automatically guess the question type for you.

You can fill in descriptions below the question to help with answering by clicking on the “more” triple dots:

Then going to description:

And typing out a help description:

You can check the “required” mark to make this question necessary to move on.

Conditional Questions

Add a relevant question to help guide the user about the survey, Do you speak English fluently?

Click on the triple dots ...:

Select Go to section based on answer:

Adding new sections

Add a new section:

Title it Language Details

Add one question on What language do you primary speak at home?

And another on What is your age?

Go back to the question Do you speak English fluently? and for No:

Choose Go to Section 2.

Scroll to the bottom and add a new section:

Call it Vaccination Story and add a new question:

Add the question:

Would you be comfortable with sharing your story?

  • Yes

  • No

Make it a required question.

⚽In-class Exercise #1 - Open Ended Questions


  1. Add two open-ended questions to your form


Feel free to make a branching question to the open-ended questions, so if some one chooses “No” they submit the form and finish.


Some open-ended questions can be the following:

How did you make the appointment?

How did you get to the location?

Make sure they are both Paragraph answer types:

Wrapping the form up

Go back to Do you speak English fluently and make Yes go to Section 3:

Your final form should look something like this:

Sharing your form

Click the Send button to share your form

Embeding your form

Under the Send button menu, click on the Embed tab

Copy the Embeded HTML by clicking the Copy button:

Go back to index.html and paste the embedded HTML into the contents div:

<div class="portfolio">
    <div id="contents"></div>
    <iframe src="" width="640" height="654" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">Loading…</iframe>

Funky Survey Styles

Because of the width and height of the form being set to 640 and 654, it will not fit in the contents div. It is recommended to set the width to 100% and the height to 100%, like this:

<iframe src=""
width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">

In our index.html file, it should look like this:

<div class="portfolio">
    <div id="contents">
    <iframe src="" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">Loading…</iframe>

Accessing the Responses

Click on Responses:

Click on the Google Spreadsheet button:

Change the title and click on Create button:

Open the response Google Sheet by clicking open or the Google Sheets icon: