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Week 1 - GIS, Data, and Ethics

Date Type Description Slides Recording
6/24 Lecture Introducing the course, GIS, data, and ethics Here Here
6/26 Lab GITting Used to Web Development and JavaScript TBD TBD


Charting the course for the class and how it relates to GIS, data, and ethics.

  • Introducing the course, GIS, data, and ethics

Lecture 1 Slides


Learning how to use GitHub, VSCode, and some JavaScript.

Group Work

Start to form teams based on initially pre-assigned groups on this spreadsheet:

Getting Started help

  1. Signing-up with GitHub
  2. Git Cloning: Downloading a repo to your computer
  3. Git Committing: Saving your changes to a repo
  4. Git Creating: Creating a new repo and inviting group members
  5. Submitting assginments
  6. Subtmitting Thinking Caps



Unless specified otherwise, all assignments are due at the beginning of class. Late assignments will be given half credit up until a week.

Due Monday 6/24

Due Wednesday 6/26

Due Monday 7/1

Due Wednesday 7/3