Week 4 - Developing for Civil Society¶
Check out the new course “Weeky” if you are having trouble finding assignments.
- Developing for civil society
- Nina Kin- Lessons Learned in Building Tech For Good
- Carolanne Link- Empowering Narratives: How Not to F@#$ It Up
Recordings can now be found here: https://tinyurl.com/eb6pyw3k
Visiting Voices: Nina Kin¶
Nina Kin works as the Technical Lead at Los Angeles Metro and active in spaces of civic tech and mapping. Contact: KinN@metro.net
Visiting Voices: Carolanne Link¶
Carolanne Link is the Project Manager for the UCLA Web Accessibility Initiative and is a disability advocate. Contact: clink@oarc.ucla.edu
Due Thursday 4/22:¶
Due Tuesday 4/26:¶
Readings: - https://handsondataviz.org/guiding.html - https://handsondataviz.org/public.html
Extra Credit Assignments¶
Due Thursday 4/22:¶
Due Tuesday 4/26:¶
Last update: 2022-01-24